Update 15. 2022 Russia-Ukraine war — Cyber group tracker. June 13.

Jun 13, 2022


Every time I think the #cybertracker no longer needs to be updated, it needs to have a large change to the groups. I have reworked the layout — at this stage it needs more professional presentation. It is being widely used as a reference point — which makes the layout even harder to get right.

For this current cybertracker I have removed 8 groups and added an additional 12.

76 total groups — 27 Pro-Russia, 47 Pro-Ukraine and 2 Unknown.

It might be controversial but I have added US cyber-command — after the officer in charge announced in early June that the United States had conducted cyber missions in support of Ukraine.

Update 15. Russia-Ukraine War 13 June. Cyberknow

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